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"All Change"


How do deal with Moving IN, Moving THROUGH, Moving OUT

As you reach your last stop on a train, this is the perhaps familiar public address announcement you might hear…. “All Change”

For some, in international education settings, it is a time of ‘all change’ too …… families and colleagues have moved on to other parts of the world, traveling for holidays or ‘back home’, with new families and colleagues getting ready to join your community….

So, July and August can be a time of change and uncertainty for those in such settings.

Recently I was coaching a couple.  They were in the process of preparing to leave the UK and travel abroad for a different life within the international education system.  New job, new school, new location, new community, ……. new currency, new language, new culture....

The process of transition - moving OUT, moving THROUGH, moving IN .. is complex and can be overwhelming.

Sadness to be leaving family, friends and colleagues. Excitement about the possibilities of new experiences. Stress and feeling overwhelmed with all the unknowns and logistics.

So, what came out of the conversation? 

  • ACCEPTANCE – yes, change can put strain on your wellbeing and on relationships. So, what would it be like if you shifted negative judgement out of your space? What if it is okay that it is like this (just for a short time)?


  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – in endeavouring to get things right, we can focus on when we fall short.  Judgement can follow. Being transparent about this ‘elephant in the room’ can help.   Acknowledging that we are struggling, trying our best (and assuming positive intent of others too) can soften the negative internal voice of judgment.


  • APPRECIATION – any win is a win. One step forward is progress. When you are in the mix of all of this, giving time to let others know you that you are grateful for their support and partnership is a regenerative act. Appreciating progress is more motivating than a focus on task completion. Remember to give yourself a regular ‘pat on the back’.


  • ACTION – moving forward takes some doing.  One chunk at a time is one less chunk to deal with later on.  ‘Where best to start?’ ‘What can I tick off today?’


  • ASPIRATION – remember why you are making this move.  Yes, you may well question ‘Why did we decide to do this?’.... But what we focus on grows….. so focus on the positive rationale, the gifts and opportunities that are in this process, and which lay ahead.


If you are in the process of moving OUT, moving THROUGH, moving IN I wish you well. 

How can you make the challenges worth it?

If 'what we focus on grows'... what are you focusing on that is serving you positively?




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